Believe you can, and you are half way there
Feb 26, 2023
Have you heard it before? “Believe you can, and you are half way there”. The US President Theodore Roosevelt spoke these famous words during a speech at Harvard in 1905. And they are still so true.
The phrase suggests that having a strong belief or faith in something is an important step towards achieving it. I don’t know about you, but I believe in this mentality, if you don’t think you can do it, the way to the goal is so much longer, and maybe even not within reach.
When you truly believe
When you truly believe in something, it can inspire you to take action and work towards making it a reality. And if you are reading this you are probably a knitter and this is just as relevant for knitting and your knitting journey as anything else.
Why am I talking about this? Right now the foundational knitting course Power of Knitting is open for registration (we are starting on March 6th, 2023). This is the first out of a series of knitting courses in my world - and is followed by the Norwegian Knitting Magic, level 1 … and level 2. And people have asked what this course is about really, one person even said “but can’t everyone knit?”
No, not everyone can knit, and more importantly, knitting really is a lifelong journey. If you are open to learning you can learn something new relevant to your knitting - every single day. I know knitters that have knit for more than 70 years, they are strong and experienced knitters and still they learn new things all the time.
So, about the Power of Knitting
I call it a foundational course because that is exactly what it is. It is intended for those who are not an experienced knitter and want to learn how to knit and at the same time learn a lot of knitting stuff that you normally will learn through your knitting life. And it can be a perfect way for English/throwing knitters to learn the Continental/Norwegian way of knitting.
How was this course created?
Before this course was put together I asked several hundred experienced knitters: What do you know about knitting today that you wish you’d known when you first started? The response was HUGE and GOLDEN and has helped form a course full of techniques and golden gems that will take you on a wonderful journey into the knitting world.
Having said that, you need to believe … and you need to do the work ;) Do you want to join us or want to know more about the Power of Knitting, check this page HERE or you can send me an email and will get back to you very soon :)
Have a brilliant knitting day!
Knitting vibes from,
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