Get ready to dive into the magical world of

If you know how to knit, but you want support to dive into the colorwork knitting - well then, this is for YOU!
What if this was your story too?
Listen to what Suzanne has to say about her meeting with the Norwegian Knitting Magic
"Can you row?" the Sheep asked, handing her a pair of knitting-needles as she spoke. "Yes, a little--but not on land--and not with needles--" Alice was beginning to say."
~ Lewis Carroll (Alice in Wonderland)

Sometimes You Have to Fall Down a Rabbit ... ehhh ... Knitting Hole to Get to Where You Need to Be!
Are you ready to dive down into the colorwork knitting hole with me and find your way out into the knitting light with amazing knitting and in a group of just as amazing people?
Yes, I want to dive into Norwegian colorwork
I don’t know if you know the story of Alice in Wonderland, but she is a curious girl this one. And yes they do say that curiosity killed the cat, but we are not cats, we are knitters and we are curious people by definition.
Curiosity is what has brought civilization forward and now it is time for you to bring your knitting forward … by following your curiosity!
When you knit your way through these patterns you will end up with your first beautiful garments with mountain roses nicely scatter throughout the journey ... and you will LOVE every one of them - because they are made by you
You will be knitting, ripping, knitting a lot and ripping a little and knitting even more.
However, the prize when you cross the finish line is the ultimate feeling of mastery, love and gratitude.
Mastery because learning new knitting skill is bound to create the feeling of mastering in you - and isn't that just the best feeling? Boosting your self-esteem and confidence. There is little that can compete with that.
Gratitude because you are able to create such beautiful pieces of knitting, which you perhaps didn’t see yourself ever knit … and enjoy the process.
Love … simply because it follows naturally from the mastering and gratitude!
Can you think of anything better than cracking the code and being able to move on?
Just imagine cracking the colorwork code and what that will make you feel!

"Learning to knit is a lifelong journey, you never really stop learning and what makes it even more magical is that it is a bit like cycling, when you know how to do it, you never forget, you just learn new tricks so that you can add more magic to your knitting journey!"

Original yarn is 25 stitches per 10 cm / 4 inches kind of yarn … or fingering yarn if you like.
Needles: 3.0 mm / 4 US
Number of colors: 2
Knit in the round!
Patterns: hat, cowl, mittens
Original yarn: Finull from Rauma or Sølje/Vilje from Hillesvåg
Yarn required of original yarn: 3 balls of 50 gram of each color

N.O.W. Y.O.U. M.I.G.H.T. T.H.I.N.K.
"Well, I hear you, but I will never be able to make this."
And, that’s when I say
You are wrong, my dear knitter!
If you have knitted before and you decide that you WANT to knit this, then you CAN knit this!
You just need to have a plan … which is what you get when you join us for this course.
These are projects to treasure and enjoy, they are small and "digestible" and with guidance and cheering on from a wonderful community they are no match for you.
A project where you knit one row and then you "just have to" sit there and touch and look at your work for a few minutes before you knit the next row.


The Colorwork Knitting Course is created to make you take the plunge and dive into the multi colored knitting, learning to knit in the spirit of Norwegian knitting traditions. You will be guided through 1 traditional Norwegian design and 3 different garments with Mountain Rose designs, row by row and step by step.
The garments are knit in the round and you will get a detailed walk through of needle options and how to use the different needles, so that you can make a decision based on sound advice on how to move forward.
You also get a list of shops and a video to help you find yarn shops that have the original yarn. And if you cannot find the yarn, or want to use a local yarn, you will find a video tutorial and pdf explaining how and where to find alternative yarn.
These garments are knit in two colors and are made to match each other. You will get an overview of how much you need of the different colors for the different garments - just in case you want to try out different color combinations. AND in addition to that you do get a bonus section during the welcome call when we talk about colors and picking colors especially for this course.
I know that learning new things can be challenging and therefore you will be getting a designed for you knitting journal to help you move on and keep on track - and also to help you document your progress - we do tend to take too much for granted these days, learning a new skill like this is huge and if you make it a priority to document your progress, you will also increase your own awareness of your accomplishments ... and THAT is one of the best feelings in the world, sin't it? Felling that you are mastering new skills and actually feeling good about it!
Are you ready?
Music is Morning Mood from Peer Gynt by E. Grieg

Before I joined the NKM, I had never done any colorwork knitting, and had only just learned continental knitting.
I loved Anne’s videos about knitting styles, tips, yarns and that she is so warm, funny and encouraging whatever your level. I really wanted a little challenge and to meet other like-minded knitters, at the same time as making something useful and lovely.
I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to complete any of the patterns or understand the technical side of knitting and all the instructions, but the portal videos Anne makes are absolutely fantastic and super clear. I love not having to search all over YouTube. For NKM everything is in one place, in order.
I am about to tackle the Eternity Shawl as I am so much more confident now after completing the course, and I can just zip back in to check any videos for techniques or troubleshooting.
It was great to meet other knitters too, and see the colours and yarns they chose from around the world.
If you are thinking of joining NKM, absolutely go for it! Your skills will increase dramatically and it’s a lot of fun, especially the calls, meeting other knitters and the beautiful patterns.
Claire W.

Every week you will get a new pattern part and/or worksheets, exercises as well as other written material to expand your colorwork knitting skills. The material will be available in the asset vault in the portal.

Detailed yarn descriptions and a deep dive into how to substitute yarns if you cannot get hold of the original yarn and help to find yarn and needles around the world

You will get access to new tutorials every week to guide you through the various part of the garment. All the tutorials will be collected in the tutorial vault in the portal together with replays of all live trainings and Q&As

Live Welcome and introduction meeting, weekly Q&As and live teaching sessions during the course. When you are in the learning phase your progress is just as much about what is going on in your head as anything else. Every week we will spend time on just that, making sure you are in the right headspace.

Inside the Norwegian Knitting Magic you will find all kinds of inspirational stuff. Photos, surprises, new knitting friends, exciting tips and ideas, magical moments, self care and memories for life centered around your love for knitting.

Half the fun of knitting and crafting is to have someone to share it with. Of course we have our own community group. But you also get access to live Q&As and knitting huddles - all being recorded if you cannot attend live. And after ended course you will have forever access to the Level 1 Circle in our course community.

I want to dive into the rabbit ... ehhh knitting hole and go find colorwork mastering!

All the magic you need to know about yarn and needles, sizes and much more
- Welcome call on Monday 25th of November.
- You get access to the Welcome part of the Course Portal and the community portal
- We go through the outline and objectives for the course
- You get a guided tour around the portals
- You learn how to chose colors, where to get the yarn and all you need to know to find alternative yarns.

The Wrist Warmers / Fingerless Mittens
- Let's get started with the colorwork.
- We will talk about gauge and tension for colorwork and one color knitting.
- "Swatching is still a blessing"
- Positioning of fingers when knitting
- Detailed instructions on how to knit the chart/motiv. Row by row.
- Live Q&A
- And we will knit a fingerless mitten or two

The Hat
- This is a 2 week long module - simply because it is the most extensive module
- We will talk more about gauge and tension for colorwork and one color knitting
- "Swatching is a blessing"
- Positioning of fingers when knitting and how to catch floats
- How to sort out this joints of the rows without creating a jog in the pattern?
- Dominant color or non-dominant color? We will sort it out!
- Live Q&A both weeks
The Cowl
- Let's knit a matching cowl.
- You are going to learn German short row.
- Is it possible to knit backwards - and no we are not talking about ripping - but actually knit bakwards? Yes, it is and this week you will be introduced to knitting colorwork "bakwards", ie. from left to right, instead of right to left.
- You will also get several tips on how to weave in ends.
- AND several tips on washing and drying your woolen garments.
- Live Q&A

The Mittens
- This week we will go through EVERYTHING you need to know to knit mittens
- You will be up and running on different cuffs, different thumbs, different tips and ALL the other stuff you need to sort out to make the most wonderful mittens.
- An super exciting extra mittens bonus is also part of the package ... read more about that further down.
- Live Q&A
- Extra live Q&A and wrap up the following week.

Chona L
Anne's work is stellar, and the patterns and courses are a dream to follow.
Nicky G
I love Anne’s patterns as they are so straightforward and very easy to understand. Also her tutorials are brilliant.
I’ve been knitting and learning from Anne for the last year. Her patterns are easy to follow and understand. What I also like are her tutorial videos. They are helpful in explaining the pattern and makes your knitting easier and increases your knitting confidence. The end result is a garment that will fit beautifully and you will love.

Bonus 1: The MITTEN BONANZA is a mitten experience with 16 different Norwegian style mitten patterns. Including tutorials to show you all the different techniques to make the mittens.
The Bonanza was re-released this summer and some of the bonuses will be released at the end of this year. As a bonus you get access to the new and updated Bonanza which will take you through all patterns with tutorials and explanations to every single model (value $97 USD). This Bonus is added to all new signups after the course is finished.
Bonus 2: Two months membership in Anne's Norwegian Knitting NOOK
A membership portal with lots of inspiration, fun and magical knitters. You get access to the Nook from the day you sign up and in 60 days from that date (Value 64 USD).

April in the Nook

The Level 1 course was really easy to follow and laid out really well, with everything that I needed to know. I really looked forward to our zoom meetings every week with Anne and my fellow students. What surprised me the most about this course was how personal it was. It was like having Anne right beside me. So if anyone is interested in this color work course it's this is the course to take!
Mary Louise GM.

Who's the designer and guide on this journey?
That's me, Anne!
A knitting designer, a yarn lover, color conscious Norwegian , knitting motivator and in love with nature and knitting of all kinds.
Short story is that I have knitted since ... forever.
I have designed knitting patterns my whole life, as I always have made my own designs and never ever followed someone else's pattern (apart from 2 times). I have designed for you guys for nearly 10 years now and thousands of people have knitted my patterns in Norwegian. Now I am all focused on you knitting the patterns in English - and, in addition to designing, teaching knitting is now my mission. And what can I say? I am loving every minute of it!
There is little I find more inspiring than to motivate YOU to move your needles and create magic.

What language is the pattern and the material in?
When do we get access to it all?
Where can I buy the yarn?
When are the lives and what if I cannot attend live?
How long I we have access to the material?
Can I use a different yarn than stated in the pattern?
What is this portal you are talking about?
Is there a money back guarantee?
Are there payment plans available?
Is the material subtitled?

... for the Norwegian Knitting Magic – Level 1
patterns and detailed step by step video tutorials to fingerless mitts, hat, cowl and mittens
- color choosing session especially
- yarn description to help you find yarn in your local yarn shop
- support and cheering from day 1
new knitting friends
lifetime access to all material in a closed portal
yarn shop list over suppliers that sell the original yarns
- inspiration and progress plan to ensure you get to the finish line
- detailed colorwork tutorials for continental knitting
- complete introduction module to continental knitting
- live meetings and Q&As
- our own private and totally awesome community
“The best way to explain it is to do it.”
Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll

Anybody that's interested in improving their knitting, even if you think you're a pretty good knitter, there's always something to learn and Anne has lots of tips and tricks that I've learned and incorporated into my own knitting.
I'm really happy I joined Anne's Level 1 course. and I hope you'll join one of Anne's wonderful courses no matter what level knitter you are.