Norwegian Wool Month

for lovers of Norwegian knitting and wool

Save the dates and join us for 5 super exciting wool seminars and other wool fun from Norwegian wool manufacturers, designers and knitting lovers


Norwegian Wool Month

for lovers of Norwegian knitting and wool

Save the dates from 7th and onwards. See all dates further down


Tone Loeng

Unna Hallgren

Here's the Agenda

We will do a deep dive into Norwegian Wool and what it means to Norwegian Knitting. 

You are invited to join us for three virtual seminars where we explore lots of luscious wool, rich yarns and colors that define the Norwegian wool yarns-


7th of August:

Ingvild Espelien, the founder of Selbu Spinneri will join us for a talk about the very journey establishing their yarn spinneri. 

Selbu spinneri - a history of innovation: How to save the Norwegian heritage sheep breeds


12th of August:

Unna Hallgren  - She has a strong interest in keeping old crafting traditions alive. 

Sheep, wool and politics. Skip-jumping through Norwegian textile history


14th of August:

Tone Loeng
 - a Norwegian knitting designer who's above average interested in Norwegian knitting history.

Wool factories and mills in Norway vs Europe. Seasoned with Norwegian knitting design from 1920s onwards. 


19th of August:

Today Anne from Anne's Norwegian Knitting will be talking to you about FairIsle knitting vs Norwegian Knitting.

Norwegian knitting or FairIsle? Or the other way around? Or Same Same?


21st of August: 


Today Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk is visiting.

We'll talk about their yarn made from 100% Norwegian Wool and all is produced in Norway in their original premises - how awesome is that?

We will be talking about sheep, wools and and more wool. This is something you can really look forward to.

Hi. I'm Anne.

A knitting designer, a yarn lover, wool lover and color conscious Norwegian, knitting motivator and in love with nature and knitting of all kinds.


Short story is that I have knitted since ... forever.

I have designed knitting patterns my whole life, as I always have made my own designs and never ever followed someone else's pattern (apart from 4 times). I have designed for you guys for nearly 10 years now and thousands of people have knit my patterns in Norwegian. Now I am all focused on you knitting the patterns in English - and, in addition to designing, teaching knitting is now my mission. And what can I say? I am loving every minute of it!

There is little I find more inspiring than to motivate YOU to move your needles and create magic.

Why Norwegian Wool Month? 

Over the past few years, I have had the privilege of visiting some incredible yarn mills in Norway. These visits have been immensely inspiring, and last year, I decided to create Norwegian Wool Month to share this inspiration with my "pack". My goal was to offer a series of webinars to spread knowledge and love for Norwegian wool and yarn.

Last year, I was joined by Selbu Spinneri, Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk, and Tone Loeng, a renowned Norwegian knitting designer, who all shared their extensive knowledge about Norwegian yarns, sheep, and wool. The event was such a success that we are bringing it back this year, with a mix of returning and new presenters ready to share their insights.

What is Norwegian Wool Month?

This is a three-week free virtual event focused on celebrating Norwegian wool, yarn production, and knitting design. Join us for a series of engaging webinars and activities that highlight the rich heritage and unique qualities of Norwegian wool.

Event Highlights

 Norwegian Yarns: Discover yarns made exclusively from Norwegian wool, produced entirely in Norway.

Unique Wool and Sheep: Learn what makes Norwegian wool and sheep different from others around the world.

Tradition Meets Innovation: Explore how traditional yarn techniques can be applied to modern knitting practices.

Sustainability: Understand the sustainable practices in Norwegian wool production and the eco-friendly mindset that drives it.

What to Expect This Year

 We have an exciting lineup of speakers who are passionate about Norwegian wool and knitting. They will share their expertise on a variety of topics, from the uniqueness of Norwegian sheep breeds to the latest in sustainable wool production practices.

Join us for Norwegian Wool Month and immerse yourself in the world of Norwegian wool. Mark your calendars and prepare to be inspired by the beauty, tradition, and innovation of Norwegian knitting.

“For people allergic to wool, one’s heart can only bleed.”

~ Elizabeth Zimmermann


Frequently Asked Questions


About an Hour...


Yes and no. As it looks right now all will be live. 

What time is it?

The seminars will be helt at 7 PM Central European time / 6PM UK Time / 1 PM US Eastern Time / 10 AM US Pacific Time /  

To check your local time CLICK HERE and add your timezone to see your time 

Where is it hosted?

It will be broadcasted to a closed web page and our YouTube channel. 

WILL there be a replay

We encourage you to join live, you always get the most out of showing up live, however we know that the audience is located all over the world, so yes, there will be replays. Available for one week after the last publishing date. 

What are you waiting for? Come and join us!